Just came back from town…my dad was driving and there was this Malay guy on the side of the street and suddenly he knocked the side mirror of the car. Then, he turned around and started saying all kinds of stuff bout how we ‘tak tahu memandu’ bla bla bla ‘tak tengok’ bla bla bla along with an array of hand gestures. What the heck…he was the one who didn’t look where he was walking. It’s a street! You should’ve known better than to walk towards the middle of the road where there’s tons of cars that can knock you down. Aih…
My room smells. I came back last Thursday and after I switched on the AC in my room, I noticed a strange stench…it was like, 2am at that time. Yeah, so I tried to sleep but the smell was just unbearable…turns out a lizard died in the AC and when I turned it on, the smell gets worse. I spent 2 days sleeping in my parents’ room…on the floor haha
Since then, my dad’s removed the dead lizard but there’s still the faint smell of it whenever the AC’s on. Ick.
Just a short update…finals are next week. So unprepared. Ahhhhh… I’m the queen of procrastination. Must. Not. Procrastinate.
I’ve just discovered the magic that is Twitter haha and there’s celebs on it too! Taylor Swift, Adam Savage & Grant Imahara (from the Mythbusters), SP’s Chuck Comeau…just to name a few. It’s pretty interesting! Go check out Twitter if you haven’t already…
Random pic: Found this over at I Can Has Cheezburger (awesome site). Hahahahaha @ the kitteh! Reminds me of the snobbish aristocrats or royalty or something lol It’s an explosion of fluffiness! I want a kitteh like that!
Oooh, I got credited at SnarkyArchies.com! ^_^