Hmm...does this work? Anyway, this is a hilarious video of David! Go watch it =D
Loved the cereal part...and he expects people to know the type of cereal by showing us the uh shape of the box? Hahaha...
And oooh he knows who Westlife are!
@ 1:20 AM
Testing 1, 2, 3?
Soooo...I stumbled upon this lovely layout today...and created this to see what it would look like haha
No guarantees on frequent updates though...
Oh, and before I forget...
Happy Halloween!!!
She is the ultimate procrastinator. She loves musicals, the world of Harry Potter, anything by Pixar and is spacey at times. She thinks nothing beats curling up with a good book, except maybe the Internet which is a frequent distraction..
She longs to travel the world, loves going on downloading sprees and thinks one should always Google when in doubt.